Friday, June 09, 2017

Weekend Selections

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Man Dives Into Ocean to Save Sea Turtle Tangled in Trash

Widowed Marine Wife Builds Business to Benefit Veterans

Beethoven for Elephants - Thailand

Man Captivates Horses With Native Flute

Britain's Breadline (1946) - British Pathe

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid.  Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

We don't see things as they are;  we see them as we are. - Anais Nin

Make some time for yourself today, to relax, reflect and revive your spirit.

Talk to yourself the way you'd talk to someone you love!

Sometimes you just need to put down your shell phone and enjoy the view.  :)

Once in a while it is good to just enjoy the moment, instead of trying to capture it.

No matter where you are in life, celebrate it.  It's either a product of your growth or a place that will help you grow.  Cheers to today!

I admire the spiritual warriors, the brave and courageous.  The ones who choose to shine even after all the storms they've been through.

A contented mind is the greatest blessing anyone can enjoy in this life.

The world is changed by your example, not your opinion. - Paulo Coelho

We believe in the little things that mean the most. That kindness really does matter.  You should always be yourself.  Do what you love.  And make the world a better place.

Pea h D!  :)  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Hi. Marine garbages is one big problem. Thanks again for the wonderful videos and pictures.

  2. Yes, talk to yourself the way you'd talk to someone you love...and talk that same way to others as well. Some people are so harsh in their manner of speaking that it can leave a bitter taste in the mouth and end up spoiling one's mood and day.

  3. Man Dives Into Ocean is special to see, terribly, such a thing happened Linda

  4. Hi Linda, I like this quote very much - Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you. A good reminder not to allow fear to defeat us. Have a beautiful day!

  5. Must be wonderful, Linda, to play between the elephants... !

  6. Hello, Linda, wonderful critter videos. I always enjoy reading the inspiring words and quotes. The little things do matter and need to be enjoyed. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. une belle publication Linda

    j'aime en particulier la première vidéo


  8. Good morning Linda, I hope it's a lovely one where you are. Isn't it so sad that humans still litter the way they do? It's the animals that suffer mostly. We try to do our part here and pick up the soda cans and bottles, cigarette wrappers, McDonald's containers and stuff that people toss out of their cars in my neighborhood on their way home. Maybe someday they'll think twice and toss that trash where it belongs and not on the ground.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend.

  9. That flute really does have the attention of those horses!

  10. Beethoven for Elephants...remarkable! Elephants are such intelligent creatures; we really need to treat them with the dignity and respect that they need.

  11. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It was a joy to visit today, I found some of the quotes quite uplifting and yet thought provoking. The flute certainly captivated those horses.

  12. Beethoven for elephants it is strange, but beautiful idea :)
    Greetings :)

  13. Hello sweet woman:)))

    Very nice postings !I love the videos and the quotes:)))))

    I wish you a happy weekend Linda!

  14. Enjoyed the videos and the quotes and the one art work. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  15. Sea animals entangled in human stuff is a major problem. Glad to see that sea turtle get untangled. I saw where a whale thanked a man who saved him by untangling a huge net he'd gotten caught in. Elephants are very smart animals with huge emotional levels.

    Years ago, my neighbor told me of how his family survived during the Great Depression. They lived in Massachusetts and he would knock on the door of a local nunnery (his sister was a nun there) and she would give them free bread. Otherwise, he said, they would have probably starved!

    Hope you like my new blog.

  16. Everything is just super again Linda, thank you so much :)

  17. Thank you Linda - I found you! And I got so many good ideas to think about - the best is to be just YOU! Have a nice weekend!

  18. Talk to yourself the way you'd talk to someone you love! Good advice, and thanks for the smile once again, I never tire of Raphael Vavasseur. Hope your weekend is a good one Diane

  19. Hi Linda,
    I enjoyed the piano being played to the elephants and the flute being played to the horses. Animals like music too. :)
    My favorite quote today is: "Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you".
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post and have a lovely weekend.

  20. Sometimes I need to be reminded to enjoy the moment instead of capturing it. :)

  21. Your posts are always such a treat.

  22. "The world is changed by your example, not your opinion" Great quote!

  23. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I was so moved by the elephant video!
    Their eyes are so beautiful listening piano of Beethoven!!


  24. Une très bonne sélection.
    Grosses bises

  25. Hello Linda, I haven't visited this week and I missed seeing your lovely peaceful spot.
    The turtle rescue was so nice. Also the widowed wife of the marine's video. Life can be sad and then it can be good.
    Thanks too for all the uplifting quotes and Raphael's art.
    Enjoy your weekend and wishing you lots of relaxation :D)

  26. I love the quote about courage.
    Have a good weekend!

  27. Wonderful post today Linda! The Marines widow was such an inspiration to all of us. And the sea turtle being saved was wonderful to see. And I always enjoy the quotes ....enjoy your weekend!!!!

  28. Merci ma douce Linda, bon week-end tout doux!

  29. What lovely videos and I was really taken by the "Bread Line" Pathe news one. My Mum talks about rationing sometimes and how she liked the powdered egg. It must have been a difficult time for everyone but with probably much less heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Xx

  30. Tout est bien joli à découvrir. Merci Linda

  31. All your post was wonderful. Have a very nice weekend!

  32. Wonderful post, Linda! Thanks for sharing :)

  33. There is still compassion in this world. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  34. Great that the tortoise was loose from the plastic in which he was entangled. The second clip is a sad one, but on the other hand it's also a nice story.
    The elephants with the concert are too bad hahahaha .....
    The man with the whistle at the horses is also very special to hear.
    Also an old movie below that I did not watch.
    Greetings, Helma

  35. Linda, We're on the road visiting my son and family in Omaha NE and for some reason, I can't access your videos. I'm probably out of luck until we get home. Thanks for continuing to visit my blog site while I'm gone! One of the little sayings really struck home from this posting though..."Put down the shell phones and enjoy the view". I don't think that our grandsons ever look out the window while we're driving anywhere... Perhaps they'd look if we were surrounded by a wild fire or if a tornado was bearing down on us... They are missing so much but at 13 and 16, they just don't get it! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  36. Yes, I think the bigger the fear the greater the courage.

  37. Hello Linda, lovely selection of videos for us.
    It is so true marine garbage is such a problem to not only sea life but us all!

    Some very good quotes too.

    Sending my good wishes

    All the best Jan

  38. Great post Linda! Thank you for being you and thank you for your blog! Big Hugs!

  39. Videos like the bread-rationing one remind me of just how fortunate I have been throughout my life. I remember that decades after WWII, my great Aunt Nan who lived in New York City during WWII still made her recipes like sugar was wartime-rationed and dried paper towels to reuse if they weren't dirty. Some people who went through the rationing never got over it. Sending you hugs, my friend, and much love!

  40. I totally agree :)

    Sometimes you just need to put down your shell phone and enjoy the view.


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