Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Mid-Week Summer Fun!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Chicken Purring Like Kitten

World's Friendliest Restaurant Holds Hug-a-Thon for Charity

Why Amish Businesses Succeed

The Avocado Latte has Arrived

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Be's impossible to raise yourself up by putting others down.

Never dim your light because others might be comfortable in the darkness.

Don't be ashamed to admit you are vulnerable. Recognize you're taking the first steps to save your own life. - Carole Anne Trisler

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. - Amit Ray

The size of your audience doesn't matter.  Keep up the good work.

People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full are missing the point:  the glass is refillable.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than silence. - Arabic Proverb

So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me, because I, too, am fluent in silence. - R. Arnold

Your comfort zone is a cozy place but dreams cannot grow there.

You don't know this new me, I've upgraded my inner programming.  :)

Do what you can to avoid or neutralize conversations which put people down.  Think with your heart.

The deepest level of hope comes when we let go of needing life to make sense. - Janet Cedar Spring

You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you.  True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic.
True power is restraint.
If words control you that means everyone else can control you.  Breathe and allow things to pass.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Love to read these thoughts/quotes.
    : )

  2. Wonderful quotes. I especially love the first, sixth and eighth :).

  3. Hello dear Linda,

    Wonderful video about the chicken :)

  4. I am so tickled by the video "Chicken Purring Like Kitten", Linda. So cute ..wish I could do the same with my pigeons!

  5. Every time so nice, Linda...

  6. Hola Linda. Preciosos videos, el del relax de la gallina me encanta. Feliz día y besos.

  7. Hug-a-thon! I love that concept!

  8. Hahahaha ... the chicken is to enjoy it Linda!

  9. Some good things today...Hope your week is going well.

  10. Hello Linda, cute video of the purring hen. I always enjoy your quotes. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  11. Always a lovely way to start my day. Thank you Linda :)

  12. Hi! The second video is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hi my dear friend! I am so happy to be back and to see all these quotes here. I am so glad you are still active here. I just love all the quotes you share here, so inspiring! Have a brilliant day ahead, Liuba x

  14. Its a cute chicken kitten! Ha ha! Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  15. Trop joli ce poulet. merci pour ces posts que j'aime beaucoup regarder. Belle journée Linda

  16. I agree that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing my best today. Today is the most important time.
    Have a nice weekend :)

  17. Linda, A chicken that purrs...that's something I haven't seen, but my wife can purr, rather well too! She also does turkey calls... Why avocado lattes? What's the point? Weird! I'd love to visit the Markets at Shrewsbury PA and partake in all of the Amish goodies. I was surprised that they allowed themselves to be filmed but I guess that times are changing...even for the Amish. We have 2 Amish farmer's markets near us with produce and some baked goods but nothing like the one you featured. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  18. Another great post. Enjoyed all the videos and all the wonderful quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  19. That is one happy chicken!

  20. I like the idea of a hug-a-thon. The quotes always give you something to think about.
    Thanks for sharing these Linda and have a wonderful week.

  21. Awww on the chicken. My mother raised chickens for food and she would always have several that were pets each year. Dad had to take care of those.

    Love the hugs.

    The Amish are amazing folks. We visited Amish country in Indiana some years ago. They run the cleanest places ever. Very nice people.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  22. Beautiful quotes Linda, always gives me something to think about. Hope you are having a good week.

  23. I am fluent in silence, too!
    Have a good day!

  24. Hi. Your blog always delights me. Thanks to you.

  25. I just love that purring chicken Linda. Who ever said that animals are dumb? Animals always surprise ud with their intelligence.

  26. Avocado latte? Hmmm.....

  27. Oh my, I've never heard a chicken purring like a kitten, just you and you only may find such wonders, Dearie !

    Thanking you so much for having filled my heart with love once again, I'm sending blessings to you,
    may the remainder of your week be as Beautiful as you !

    XOXO Dany

  28. love the "the size of your audience doesn't matter" one, so true! catchatwithcarenandcody

  29. Hi Linda, The chicken purring will be so great to watch in a bit. We used to have chicken pets and they were so personable! Ours would lay their head on our shoulder if upset.

    The quotes are fantastic, yes, live in the present, it helps me a great deal. Speaking only things to improve the atmosphere, making it better, that has helped me a lot to just be quiet at times and the one for an audience of even One. Sooooo true. They are all wonderful quotes! : )

    Have a great week Linda, hope your eye is much, much better now.

  30. Leave it to you, Linda, to find the most amazing videos! Chicken that purr, hug-a-thons, interesting stories, avocado lattes - how do you do it? Anyway, we are the beneficiaries of your kindness, from the great videos to the inspirational quotes. Thank you, dear Linda!!

  31. The purring chicken was a new thing for me! I enjoyed the story about Amish businesses, too, especially since Doug and I live among Amish.

  32. Tout beau, merci chère Linda! Bisou, bonne soirée!

  33. Hi, Linda. Wonderful videos, as always I had heard of Tim's Place, but not his hug-a-thon; and certainly I had never heard of a purring chicken! I can't help wondering what happens to all the scooped out avocado? My Great Aunt Nan thought avocados were worth their weight in gold, because they were almost impossible to get in Nova Scotia when I was a child. She'd get a rare avocado and offer me a slice, but only if I promised to eat every bit. She'd be lining up for an advocate and asking for the insides too. Loved the Higher Perspective quote. Have a great day tomorrow, my cherished friend!

  34. Thank you again, dear Linda, for the great quotations, each one more wise than the other. I'm going to write down this one now: "Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than silence."

  35. Amit Ray.. a bien raison Linda

    have a nice day

  36. Hello Linda!:) Awww! :)The chicken is purring with contentment, and is so endearing to see and listen to. The friendly restaurant makes me wonder why we can't all do more hugging,...what a good cause. I do admire the Amish strong work ethic. Thank you for sharing all the clips and wonderful quotes. Always a pleasure!:) x

  37. That chicken is a translator in disguise. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  38. Beautiful Linda! I love that chicken purring! LOL! Big Hugs!

  39. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I enjoyed the video of Avocado latte!!
    And the quote of 'the glass is refillable' encourages me!!



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