Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Childhood Memories

Haydn Quartet - Sweet Adeline (You're the Flower of My Heart) (1904)

Hi everyone!  The song I chose for this post is from 1904, and hit the charts as #1 back then.  Hope you all enjoy it.  I do love old music.  :)

I took a really nice walk today.  It was again sunny and mild, just beautiful.  

I entitled this post "childhood memories", as my walk today sparked some great childhood memories for me.  I am referring to my photos of the park slides that I took.  All the slides now are plastic, so I was surprised to see one metal one still around.  I also took a couple of photos of the views I had on my walk by the waterfront.  Hope you all enjoy my photos from today's walk.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I really appreciate and enjoy reading your thoughts, even if I don't always reply.  Hope you all have a wonder filled day!


  1. Hi Linda, thanks for popping into Perth for a mo, it's always good to hear from fellow bloggers around the world. I did enjoy coming along on your walk, I especially like the first image.

  2. I have a bunch of old 78's, so the sound is familiar to me!

  3. As you know, I love water and thus my favorites today are the two water shots, especially the 2nd one - very nicely done. And the water is so calm and peaceful - makes me want to grab a boat and cruise along the shore line.

  4. I remember the old metal slide at my old park.

  5. Love the first photo, looking through the hole, brilliant.

  6. Your first picture is a 'gem'(?), Linda ! I hope the word is correct...

  7. Such a little slide, isn't it...not like the monsters we used to have. You needed a head for heights!
    Lovely waterside photographs. Thank you.

  8. We have been having mild, sunny days in Minnesota too. It's so nice to stroll around outside with only a light jacket I wish it could stay like this for another month.


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