Sunday, December 02, 2012

Christmas Plans

Hi everyone!  The song I chose for this post is really beautiful and mellow...hope you enjoy it.  It is "Alice Blue Gown" ....Joni James, 1957.  :)

Do you all have plans for Christmas?  Since I have no family,  I spend Christmas day at my friend, Linda's place.  She has a wonderful dinner usually of turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, stuffing, potatoes, turnips and carrots, etc., and I always enjoy the time that I spend with her and her family.  I find Christmas the hardest time of year just because I have no family, but I count my blessings, because I have good friends and am very grateful for that.  

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I really appreciate and enjoy reading your thoughts, which you can always share by clicking on the 'comments' link at the end of my post.


  1. Warm Aloha
    from Honolulu, LINDA!
    Comfort Spiral

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    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  2. That was a cute and pretty little song. Now that my family is mostly gone, I find the holidays a bit melancholy, even though I'm not alone. I'm glad you have a friend to spend Christmas with.

  3. Then you are rich, with having Friends. You can choose your friends,

  4. I remember Joni James ... those were the days, my friend. Lois and I were married in 1957.

    Plans for Xmas are up in the air at the moment. But we'll probably stay home and relax.

  5. Hi Linda beautiful this your post that anticipates the Christmas I am happy to learn that on Christmas day I spend with friends this is a beautiful thing.
    Wishes for a quiet week

  6. I don't have set plans for christmas

  7. We'll be flying down from Rochester MN. to Arizona for the holidays visiting son and his family. My concern is that they having moved from North Dakota to Colorado and now Mesa Arizona will be heading to Mexico on of these years for Christmas...:)

  8. Unlike Troutbirder, I will be staying in Minnesota for Christmas
    since all my family is here. We will be getting together the Sunday before Christmas so those who work on Christmas Day can all come. We have a long-time friend of the family who always shares Christmas with us since she also has no family of her own anymore. I hope you realize what a blessing it is to your friends to have you to share Christmas with!

  9. I will probably cook 2 Christmas for Dad & my family on the 22nd, & another for Dad & my sister's family on the 24th or 25th. There are too many of us to fit at one table!...for either dinner!

  10. Christmas is a day like an other one, Linda. Much to emotional for my mum. She 92 en she lives here for 10 years now. I love her, and every day is a feastday.
    You are rich with such a good friend !

  11. Linda, I remember that song very well and probably have not heard it since 1960, so thanks so much for bringing that memory back to me.


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