Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday's Post

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Sound Therapy - Mt. Fuji and Morning Birds

Umbrella Cockatoo Therapy Bird, Harriet

Japan's Seven Stars Luxury Train

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Find someone who makes you realize three things: one, that home is not a place, but a feeling.  Two, that time is not measured by a clock, but by moments.  And three, that heartbeats are not heard, but felt and shared. 

There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.

Love yourself enough to let go of guilt, blame, shame, anger, fear, loss, worry - anything that makes you sad.

Smile. You were strong enough to make it through your past.  Smile.  You still have your whole future ahead of you.

Do not give up.  Things will get better.  Give time some time.

Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. - A. A. Milne

You can tell who the strong women are.  They are the ones you see building each other up instead of tearing each other down.

If it doesn't make you happy, why do you keep choosing it?

Sitting silently beside a friend who is hurting may be the best gift we can give.

I love the type of hugs where you can physically feel the sadness leaving your body.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. I use sound therapy every single day and sleep with 'sound therapy' every single night! I also have some beautiful weeds that I do, indeed, cultivate!!

  2. Good morning, dear Linda!

    It was delightful to view these scenes from the area around Mt. Fuji and to hear no music, only the natural sounds of birds and rushing water. How relaxing! I also enjoyed the antics of Harriet the Cockatoo Therapy Bird. When I was a boy I owned a parrot. It learned dozens of words but, for the most part, it was not docile or trainable like that playful, affectionate cockatoo. Mrs. Shady and I are thinking about taking a train trip across Canada. That Luxury Train in Japan has me more excited than ever to take a long train ride and see the sights.

    Thank you very much, dear friend Linda!

  3. Weeds... lol. I love it.

  4. Visited Mount Fuji once...a long long time ago, in the 80's. Stunning!!!

  5. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Merci Linda!

    J'aime beaucoup ton blog

    Bises et bonne journée

  6. Enjoyed the video of Mt. Fuji which was especially nice with the birds singing and the water trickling. I also enjoyed the luxury train experience. That would be fun to do one day!

  7. Bonjour ma chère Linda,

    J'aime chacun de vos partages... C'est un véritable plaisir à chaque fois.
    Merci pour votre gentil passage sur mon blog.
    (Je n'ai pas reçu de réponse au dernier mail que j'ai envoyé à notre amie commune... lui précisant qu'il y avait un souci avec son blog... dommage !)

    Gros bisous ❀

  8. Moose and Tim Hortons. Sums it up, eh? ;)

    The one about "if it doesn't make you happy why do you keep choosing it?" got to me. In a good way!

    Thanks Linda :)

  9. Thanks, Linda for the daily postive qoutes. will try to do that

  10. really liked these shares.

  11. i've never envisioned sound therapy before, but come to think of it, listening to the sound of the birds in your video was very calming, and it transported my mind to the countryside ... loved it! :)

  12. beaux les é derniers tableaux
    bisous rapide j'ai pas mal de boulot

  13. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Ha ha... Now I want a car seat like that!

  14. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Fuji is beautiful Linda, I wish you a good day.

  15. I love those two paintings at the end. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  16. I never knew there was such a thing as seven stars! Great selection again Linda :)

  17. I would love to take a trip on that luxury train!

  18. Lovely post, as always! I liked especially the colourful flowers. :)
    I'm sorry I missed your birthday post, Linda! I of course visited it now; it's beautiful and interesting. After the lovely, warm autumn we now have had some cold, windy days and I caught a cold.
    Stay warm! xx

  19. Your site is stunning! I love all the inspirational pictures with quotes and messages on them. The first one really rings true to me, because I've just gone through the loss of my fiance. Well.. we broke up. And I have no idea how to start all over again... so that was a lovely piece to read. Thank you!

    I followed you on GFC! Hope to keep in touch xxx

  20. Aww, the one about finding someone who makes you realize home isn't a place is sweet!

  21. Bonjour Linda,
    Quel bonheur matinal d'écouter le chant des oiseaux et admirer ce beau mont Fuji



  22. Linda that Japanese train looks fantastic, I'd better start saving up...

  23. Tout est trop joli. Un grand plaisir que de découvrir des posts ils sont positifs et charmants.
    Bonne journée Linda avec de gros bisous

  24. Thank you again for these inspiring posts, Linda:) Wishing you a great Thursday.

  25. Love, love, love..."If it doesn't make you happy then why do you keep choosing it"....So true! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  26. I loved the train in Japan but I wonder what would be the cost. It has to very expensive. " Do not give up. Things will get better. Give time some time." well that statement came to life for me.
    Enjoy Thursday Linda. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  27. Oh how wonderful, especially that not giving up one. I so needed to read that today, Linda. Thank you so, so much! :))

  28. Love the expressions on some of the faces in the JFL gag. The cockatoo was fun to watch. And I love the thought about wrong turns just being unexpected paths.

  29. I always love your "Meanwhile in Canada" photos.

  30. The gag had me laughing so hard I was crying. That is hands down the best gag I've seen here. Good grief the looks on their faces.

    I want to ride on that train in Japan. That was awesome.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ☺

  31. l'avant-dernière image a ma préférence Linda


  32. The only way one can make that Meanwhile In Canada pic more Canadian is to add Mounties.

  33. Good morning, Linda! Love the story about the stroke victim and Harriet! She's a cutie. "Meanwhile in Canada" - another good one! Beautiful quotes & beautiful artwork - you did it again.

  34. Thank you Linda, for the inspiring post today.

  35. Really enjoyed all the videos and quotes. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  36. Bonjour Linda, la sound therapy est superbe! Bise et bon jeudi tout doux!

  37. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I am back home and catching up on my blogs. Doctor's appointments went well. thanks for making me smile once again!

  38. Strange, Linda ! The gag ! Hahaaa...

  39. The flowers too one is right

  40. An elderly lady used to have a cockatoo just down the road from us and some say the cockatoo was nearly as old as the lady. Her house was right in front of one of the most difficult holes on the course and the bird picked up some very colourful language ;-)

  41. Linda, I liked the video of Mt. Fuji and the morning birds. I also liked the "weeds" quote. Some people don't see the weeds as being flowers, but they are lovely to me. I guess I am what you call a "nature person," so this quote and video caught my eye right away.

    Have a good rest of the week, and Happy Halloween. Do you celebrate it where you are?


  42. What i always look forward about your posts are those inspirational pics, and ive got mine here too! "never give up" Thanks linda! keep inspiring your readers!

  43. Lovely post!!! :)

  44. Like the Mt Fuji video. And thanks for reminding me on not giving up!! :)

  45. Linda, I so love Harriet the Cockatoo Therapy Bird. She is a beauty and it makes me wish I could have one too!

  46. I'm especially grateful for today's post. Mt. Fuji video made me so homesick and I definitely would like to ride in luxury train.
    Thank you for posting wonderful quotes.

  47. A whole new meaning to "Fast Food" Thanks for that laugh Linda. And now I'm saving for a rail trip - guess where?

  48. Mais um belo conjunto de vídeos.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  49. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I laughed the first video so much!!!


  50. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Linda, thank you for posting Japan's train video!!!
    Kyushu is so great!



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