Monday, November 23, 2015

Mellow Monday

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

A Just for Laughs Gag/Juste pour Rire

Red-lipped Batfish 

Waldegger - German Folk Dance

How to Wrap a Gift - Christmas Gift Wrapping

Lowland Streaked Tenrec

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning. Uptown Girls

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

The book, Tangled Twinkle, is ready to order! Go to Tangled Twinkle or click the "shop now" button on the Princess Sassy Pants & Co Facebook page!

You are never too old to set another goal or a dream.

The fear I'm feeling in anticipation actually tells me I'm asking the right questions and I'm on the right track.

Please watch your heart by making sure it doesn't absorb the judgments and negativity of those who don't appreciate you.

If you carry the bricks from your past relationship, you'll end up building the same house.

Please don't judge people.  You don't know what it took someone to get out of bed, look and feel as presentable as possible and face the day.  You never truly know the daily struggles of others.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things. - Henry Ward Beecher

I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.

Don't just do what you can to forgive the person who hurt you, forgive yourself too.  Stop blaming yourself for not being enough.  Stop blaming yourself for your inability to predict pain.  Learn what you can and leave the pain behind.

No bird can fly without opening its wings.  And no one can love without opening their heart.

food for thought

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. All good ones for a mellow Monday.

  2. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Merci pour ce beau partage Linda !

    J'aime beaucoup le chat de "Raphael Vavasseur Art". SUPERBE !

    GROS BISOUS et bon lundi !

  3. "Please don't judge people. You don't know what it took someone to get out of bed, look and feel as presentable as possible and face the day. You never truly know the daily struggles of others." ... so love coming here, L ... Always, cat.

  4. Good morning, dear Linda!

    I laughed at the virtual boxing game fail. The stuntman/security guard took a nasty tumble each time and the prank victims were horrified. The red-lipped batfish is one of the strangest sea creatures I have ever seen. He looks like he's wearing red lipstick and wagging his tail! I also enjoyed watching the orange fish mimicking a harmless sponge and using a lure line to catch its prey. Before we were married, Mrs Shady often attended folk dancing classes with our niece. I will show her the video of the German dancers. It amazed me to watch that tutorial on gift wrapping. I'm afraid the presents I wrap rarely turn out that well. I enjoyed watching the little mole like creature the Tenrec but I needed to turn off the loud piano music. I wish the video was accompanied by natural sound and not music.

    Thank you, dear friend Linda!

  5. wow, i've never heard of Waldegger before! very cool! :)

  6. Enjoyed all the videos. Those fish are very different to anything I've seen.

  7. I loved watching Rebecca tips how to make gift wrapping. And couldn't agree more with this great quote "The art of being happy lies in the power of...."Happy monday ;-))

  8. wow, interesting fish!

  9. A wonderful selection again Linda. Always fun to visit. Thank you my friend and have a great week :)

  10. Seems strange watching the lady wrap a gift with a fire going and warm clothes on.

  11. Hauskoja videoita ja kuvia kiitoa Linda :)

  12. Yes, "judge not lest you yourself be judged."

  13. Anonymous3:50 AM

    The Red-lipped Batfish is so bizarre!

  14. Anonymous3:51 AM

    A nice little animal in Lowland Streaked Tenrec. I wish you a very good week Linda.

  15. Anonymous5:22 AM

    There is some great inspiration here. I love the one about the building the same house by carrying bricks from past relationships. So true... Happy Monday sweet Linda :-)

  16. Hi Linda, your videos and lyrics like me very well, they are the true life ...
    Greetings from Geli

  17. All the quotes are so amazing, as well the videos...I'm glad you came to visit and, so, I have now the chance to discover your lovely posts!
    Warm greetings, as well and a wonderful week for you!

  18. Good morning Linda. I'd never even heard of a batfish until I saw the video. What an amazing creature that is.

    Don't we just live in a wonderful world?

  19. Good morning, Linda. Lovely post and thoughts today.. Have a happy week!

  20. I see that "virtual" reality can be dangerous to some folks! :) And thanks especially for all the Salmansohn quotes ... that helps mellow out my Monday. Have a wonderful week.

  21. Bonjour je passe ce matin avec du froid mais du soleil et un ciel bleu comme si le ciel voulait nous remonter le moral

    ici c'est la cata , tout est bouclé , métro , école, banque, les grands magasins , tout le monde a peur , hier des alertes a la bombe pas loin d'ici ...... moi je sors les chiens cet après midi , je sais même pas si je pourrais aller au parc , car il est a coté d'un bureau de police .... on verra ... prendre patience , y'a rien d'autre à faire

    bisous et douce semaine , que la paix revienne pour tout le monde

  22. Nice videos! Happy Monday♥

  23. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Love the Lowland Streaked Tenrec

    High 5

  24. A great gift wrapping refresher!

  25. Super ! Rien que du beau et cela fait beaucoup de bien. Bon lundi Linda. Bises

  26. Lovely choices this week Linda, I always leave your blog with a smile on my face, thank you. I will be away from my blog for a few weeks but will catch up with you again next year. Barbara.

  27. Linda, I can take some lessons from the Christmas gift wrapping. I've gone to using and reusing those wonderful bags with the tissue.

  28. Love the artwork and quotes you've posted today.

  29. Bwahahahahahahaha on the gag. That would be horrific. I love all the gags.

    The Tenrec was so cute. I linked you to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. I hope you're feeling better. ☺

  30. Very interesting videos, enjoyed each and every one of them. All the quotes were great. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  31. have a great week, love you.

  32. The woman in the gift wrapping video needs some close-ups! Seriously--that's definitely a case when a camera person with some zooming skill would have come in handy!

  33. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  34. Hi, Linda!
    Lovely post, here!
    And with a great selection!!! I speciallly loved to see that strange Red-Lipped Batfish, and all that great quotes from Karen!
    Have a great day! Take care!
    All the best!

  35. Happy Monday Linda... I love any quote by Martin Luther King Jr... I love how he had a message of love xox

  36. Tout beau!!! Bise et bon lundi dans la joie et la tendresse!

  37. What strange creatures there are in this world!

  38. Hahaaa..., nice gag, Linda !

  39. I haven't seen that dance here yet, but I'll be able to join in when I do! Hope all is well with you. We got some snow yesterday, but just a little.

  40. Great sharing!

  41. belle collection! il y a de superbes partages sur le net... je suis contente de découvrir comme on fait un joli colis de Noël, normallement je fais comme le petit paquet, je vais m'appliquer le mois prochain!

  42. It's hard to transform someone through love at the beginning, but love drives out fear and everything. :) so, someday, everything will fall into its place.

  43. That folk dance reminds me of when we learned "bush dancing" as a child in school. I bet they don't do that anymore in the curriculum.

  44. What an amazing collection of inspiring words. A warm feel-good post for me. Made me smile:-)

  45. Hi! I enjoyed your red lipped Batfish video. Thanks for sharing.

  46. I've never even heard of a tenrec before, so that was an interesting video for me. Loved the "Food for Thought" poster. :)

  47. The cat art in the last one appeals to me.

  48. Oooh the absorbing judgements one hit me close to home and that tenrec is so cool!

  49. I have always loved that quote about the art of being happy ... In common things. I believe n that.

  50. Anonymous11:41 PM

    MERCI pour ce partage Linda !

    Bises et bonne soirée

  51. What an interesting creature - have never heard of it. And that book sounds adorable.

    Have a great week Linda!

  52. lovely to read and enjoy your blog! Happy Thanksgiving!

  53. What a lovely selection of wise words, Linda. I enjoyed reading them all. :D

  54. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Gift wrapping video is very great!
    I always can't do well, so I am very glad to know about it :)



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