Friday, July 22, 2016

Wonder Filled Weekend!

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Full House - Stephanie Gives Jesse a Haircut

The Penny Whistle Song - Leroy Anderson

Cat Licks Fennec Fox

Cute Otter is Best Friends with Lions and Hyenas

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Spreading rays of sunshine, love and kindness to all. If you're reading this right now, I hope something great happens to you today!  :)

Anxiety can feel as huge as the big, blue sea, but remember that the sea is made up of smaller waves. - Kellie Jo Holly

Concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity.

Be a light to the others recognize the light in themselves.

Your job is not to judge.  Your job is not to figure out if someone deserves something.  Your job is to lift the fallen, to restore the broken and to heal the hurting.

Expect nothing.  Appreciate everything.

Do not overthink it.  Breathe and have faith that all will work out for the very best.

Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.  Make it a good one.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Otters are fun to see in the wild, but the one in the video was full of surprises. I hope he does find his way back to the wild and makes a life there. I enjoyed the Full House clip. That was a cute show.

  2. Oh I used to love Full House! Thanks for the clip!

  3. Great videos! I love the animals videos. They are all so cute. Have a beautiful day, Linda!

  4. How nice is the friendship cat with fennec and otter with lions and hyenas!

    Thank you, Linda, and have a good day!

  5. Cat Licks and Cute Otter, are great to see. I wish you a nice weekend Linda.

  6. Hi Linda-I just loved the otter video. How sweet!

  7. Bela postagem e excelentes vídeos.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  8. The otter sure has some unusual friends Linda. I bet it could give them a nip if things looked dodgy!

    tahnk you for your weekend thought. Much appreciated.

  9. The otter is so cute! I heard from friends who are into camping and all that wilderness stuff that there are areas in our country of Norway with a lot of otters. I'm excited to see one in person! Have a good day Linda and I really love all these beautiful memes with uplifting messages!

  10. The animals videos are very nice, Linda, so beautiful the art links too.
    Happy weekend!

  11. Awww the video of kitty and fennec fox is adorable :-)
    I love Terry Runyan's art work. Very colorful and pretty!
    Have a happy weekend xoxo

  12. Oh my, now the childhood memories are flooding back with those scenes from Full House - I remember that hair!

  13. It's fascinating how different species of animals can somehow sometimes become good friends. That little otter best be careful, though, as he could suddenly become lion food! Never did watch "Full House." Maybe I should try sometimes. I've been to New York a couple of times and loved it...the last trip we spent time in the Radio City area. Great fun. Wishing you a wonderful week, Linda!

  14. Bonjour Linda,
    J'ai beaucoup aimé tes deux petites vidéos avec les animaux ♡

    Gros bisou et bon week end, nous partons lundi en vacances alors on se reparle à mon retour :)


  15. The full house video was cute. I used to watch that program when it was on. All the videos were good. Great quotes and art. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  16. Good quotes, Linda !

  17. He no longer has that hair anymore lol

  18. I always love your critter videos. So precious.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Linda. ♥♥♥

  19. Bon week end, Linda!

  20. Seeing that Full House video takes me right back :-) That's a great quote about anxiety - good advice. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. "Expect nothing... Appreciate everything" est un bon conseil Linda...

    et j'aime les vidéos avec les animaux


  22. The cat and fox are such an adorable pair!

  23. Merci pour tout! Bise et bonne soirée dans la joie!

  24. Aw! The otter video! Loved it! Thanks Linda :o) Have a wonderful weekend <3

  25. trop mignon les animaux Linda!
    j'ai aimé le chat qui fait la longue toilette:))
    bon weekend pour toi

  26. A wonderful post with many beautiful art pieces. I especially enjoyed reading all the great quotes.

  27. Always lovely to come to your place, friend L ... cat.

  28. Jesse needed a haircut anyway.

  29. I guess overthinking things can make it all very much more complicated.

  30. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I love 'The Penny Whistle Song'!
    Thank you for sharing lovely selection!!


  31. Love the one about being a light to the world. The art graphics always make me smile! Happy weekend to you, Linda!

  32. Spreading sunshine and love to everyone around us makes the world a better place.

  33. Happy Friday Linda, I hope you are doing well?

    I think this is a wonderful quote that we all need to remember : Anxiety can feel as huge as the big, blue sea, but remember that the sea is made up of smaller waves. - Kellie Jo Holly

  34. Thanks for listening to my video, Linda.


  35. Another great post with lots of interesting videos. I remember watching some of the episodes of that TV serial. They were quite fun. And, you have such a lovely taste of music. I always enjoy the music videos that you put in.

  36. That otter video is amazing! Why can't WE all just get along like that? i hope you have a happy weekend Linda ... thank you for the inspiration and smiles.

  37. Great videos with animals:)
    Thank you!
    Have a nice day:)

  38. Encore et toujours de belles publications. Merci pour ces posts pleins de tendresse et de fraicheur. Belle fin de semaine Linda

  39. Hi Linda, thank you for your nice words on my blog and... I have a lot to see and read on yours!
    Have a nice day,
    greetings Marijke

  40. great animal videos!

  41. Hello Linda! Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog today! And thank you for this uplifting, inspiring post with humor, wisdom and beauty. Have a sensational day!

  42. Ohhh, that penny whistle song made me feel like a little girl again:) Felt "I love Lucy-ish" - such a comforting feeling:) So cheerful over here-thanks for a sweet place to park for awhile:)

  43. Ah Linda - loved seeing that kitty wash the fox. What a touching video. Used to watch Full House many years ago. It was such a fun show. The Otter was adorable too. Thanks for all the good quotes and lovely art. Hope you have the best week-end too! Hugs

  44. Great videos....Thank you for sharing...I wish you a wonderful week

  45. Really liked the otter video. Very entertaining.

  46. I have read it.
    I am waiting for something great to happen.c

  47. All is lovely Linda. Hope you are well.

  48. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Love the cat and the fox! SO cute!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  49. Ah, that cat is adorable!!!


  50. Thank you for sharing again such a wonderful post <3
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  51. You have nice weather videos in your post. Many animals also this time and that is very nice to see. The tunes in the videos were nice and very pleasant to hear. Always nice to just to neighborhoods here :-))))

  52. Very nice words... as usually.

  53. I loved Full House! John Stamos was such a hit with the ladies.

  54. I hope something great happens to you too, Linda - a wonder filled one. Some beautiful thoughts shared here. I'm taking away the "Do Not Judge .." one. :D

  55. The Krasi Art is is my pick for this post! <3 love this so much!


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