Friday, November 11, 2016

Lest We Forget....A Very Special Remembrance Day Post to Honour All Veterans

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! I am remembering all the veterans who fought for our freedom.  Lest we forget....all of the videos I am sharing today are to honour and thank...and to remember those veterans.  Thank you all so much for being here.  

Remembrance Day has a special place in my heart because I have love and respect for those veterans who fought for our freedom.  One of those men is my beloved, late father.  For those of you who are interested and would like to see a couple of photos of my father, and one with both my parents (my mother died in 1983 and my father in 1984).  Please click on the following link.  Remembrance Day 2013  I did this blog post 3 years ago.

The videos I have selected for this post are:

Sir Nicholas Winton - Project for Awesome 2015 (I chose this very special video for Remembrance Day)

Bell Canada Remembrance Day TV Commercial: Poppy (this TV commercial was done last year, I found it very beautiful and powerful)

Field of Poppies - Michael Curran

Soldier and War Service Dog Reunited

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

A seed of hope is the beginning of every good thing in our lives.  Hope gives birth to the overcoming life. It always believes for the best, even in the face of the worst circumstances. - Joel Osteen

Shine your light.  Share your journey.  When you are courageous you create a spark that ignites and inspires others to be brave.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others - it only changes yours. - Shannon L. Alder

The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. - Bruce H. Lipton

Do one thing at a time, give it all your attention, honor it fully.

The lesson is always love.

A positive mind towards everything will give you a happier life.

If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.

The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. - Barbara De Angelis

Be happy.  You never know how much time you have left.

Accept that not everyone will understand you, that every soul is its own equation.  While you may be little more than senseless gibberish to some, others will need only a single look to get a grasp of who you are.  Never dull, dumb down or adjust yourself to fit somewhere you don't belong.

It only takes 1 person to change your life.  YOU.

When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening.  That's where your true power is.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Thank you for all the positive quotes. They are really needed right now.

  2. Bonjour chère Linda,

    En ce jour de commémoration je vous envoie de gros bisous. Un petit billet toujours très plaisant.
    Pardon de ne pas être très présente sur les blogs en ce moment, la vie parfois ne nous le permet pas.

    Gros bisous

  3. Happy Remembrance Day! I remember when I was a kid and we were a British colony, we had Poppy Day! Get a poppy pin and donate - probably towards the war veterans' fund, I wouldn't know - too young then.

  4. When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening. That's where your true power is.

    Nice collection...

  5. A beautiful post, a great tribute for a very special day.

  6. Happy Remembrance Day!

  7. A beautiful blog about Remembrance Day Linda. Field of Poppies, is wonderful to see and hear.

  8. A very timely post...Have a good weekend and best to the two older ladies!

  9. Linda, I liked Bell Canada Remembrance Day,thank you!
    Happy Remembrance Day!

  10. Thanks as always for the lovely and inspiring quotes!

  11. 'No more war, ever '..., but...

  12. I just finished reading a book detailing the Vietnam war. It was one that I could have been involved in but thankfully, I avoided. We do owe our vets a debt of gratitude. And you have expressed that gratitude well in this post. May you have a wonderful day and weekend! (BTW, my father also died in 1984. I still think of him every day.)

  13. Such wonderful quotes, so many of which spoke to me. I read them, and say to myself, "now, if I could just follow through."
    Thank you for this post and I am enjoying following you.

  14. We will remember them, Linda.

  15. Thank you, Linda. What a perfect post to honor the day and to remember those who serve.

  16. Happy Veterans/Remembrance Day, Linda - like your dad, my young father was only 17 when he fought at both Iwo Jima and Okinawa. He was stationed in Tokyo Bay for the invasion of Japan when the truce was signed. Can you imagine their elation? Thank you for the sweet memories, and timely reminders! hugs, de

  17. Happy Remembrance/Veterans Day

  18. A wonderful Remembrance/Veterans day post Linda. The videos and inspirational quotes are so needed right now. Per your quote,"Surround yourself with Positive People", I am doing that and have been cleaning up some of my social media! Nothing like an election to bring out people's true colors! Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words on my blog, it means so much to me to have you as a blog friend. It can be a very cold and mean place out here. Please have a joyful weekend. ~ Diane

  19. Never again war!
    We remember them and we will always remember.
    Greetings from Poland.

  20. What a wonderful tribute to the veterans on this Veterans day. Enjoyed all videos. Great quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Thanks for your visit to my blog.

  21. Very well done and said Linda.

    Have a blessed day. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  22. Such great videos and images for this special day. Thank you to your wonderful father and all the veterans who fought for the freedom. xoxo

  23. thank you for your quotes and thank you to your father catchatwithcarenandcody

  24. Un super hommenage aux vétérans et à votre père en fait.
    Bon weekend.

  25. Very wise quotes, dearest Linda - and today I especially love the video of the Soldier and War Service Dog!
    Lots of hugs, Traude

  26. Love all your quotes today have a happy weekend

  27. "Remembrance Day"..

    sur mon blog également Linda

    au "Hooge Crater Cemetery " reposent 165 soldats Canadienns de WW I

  28. I really like that poppy commercial too, good pick! Hope you have a good weekend, thanks for the encouragement and good dose of love and appreciation on this special day :o)

  29. Bonjour Lind, j'adore les citations, comme toujours! Bisou, bonne soirée tout en douceur!

  30. Thank you for those videos, quotes and special photos today Linda. Today is a very special day here in the UK too.

  31. Linda, Remembrance Day in Canada and Great Britain plus Veteran's Day here in the USA! We all owe a lot to those who have protected our freedoms. My dad was killed in Czechoslovakia just before VE Day. Love the story about the Veteran being reunited with his dog! Have a great weekend! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  32. Bonsoir Linda!
    comme toujours de bien interessantes pensées!

  33. Inspiring, as usual. You are such a blessing in our lives.

  34. Hi Linda! Thank you for this posting and for the link regarding your veteran father. It must have been very hard for him not to have someone to talk to about his time as a POW because no doubt it was a horrible burden for him to carry thereafter, poor man. So many quiet heros from so many wars which our world owes its Eternal Gratitude for.

  35. Such an uplifting sight the poppy fields. Always inspiring.

  36. Hi Linda, a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing. enjoy your weekend.

  37. Aah..the best advice. I love this so much. Will keep it in mind. ^.^ Happy weekend, Linda. You are amazing at finding gems like these. x

    Accept that not everyone will understand you, that every soul is its own equation. While you may be little more than senseless gibberish to some, others will need only a single look to get a grasp of who you are. Never dull, dumb down or adjust yourself to fit somewhere you don't belong.

  38. Hello Linda, I've just visited your post from 2013 - beautiful.

  39. Such a beautiful tribute Linda! My favorite post yet!

  40. Yes, only one person is powerful, that is ourselves.

  41. Hello Linda, great tribute and post. God Bless our Veterans and soldiers. Happy weekend to you!

  42. Dearest Linda, how can I ever thank you enough for this beautiful and deeply moving post?
    Strangely enough, I was just looking through photos of my father from the war years, and was thinking how much we owe those brave men.
    Thank you so much for sharing has truly touched my heart...

    Big Hugs xoxoxo

  43. I attended the national service yesterday. It was poignant... something about the piper's lament in particular always gets to me.

  44. Exactly, we should be happy and enjoy life. Have a wonderful weekend.

  45. We appreciate our veterans for their service and sacrifice. Enjoy the weekend.m

  46. Praise God for our veterans, for their faithful service and sacrifice! I love your videos & pics. The quote about anger reminds me of another one I heard -- holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and thinking it's going to kill the other person!
    God bless,

  47. Thanks for the post to your father's story- you must have posted it before I started following your blog. Very moving.

  48. Dearest Linda, your Remembrance Day post was lovely. I especially enjoyed thepost you did as a tribute to your father, along with the picture of your father and your parents. I know you lost many of your family photos in a fire, so these photos must be especially valuable to you. I had a friend who was captured around 1943 and spent time in Germany as a POW. The only thing he would share was how they used the Red Cross packages' tea bags until they fell apart. The father of a friend of mine would still jump at the sound of a loud bang in the early 1970s. People who have been to war do not return unchanged. We need to treat them with compassion. I agree with you about how important it is to remember and honor the sacrifices people have made so that we might enjoy a peaceful, meaningful life. Sending you a big hug and lots of love! Thank you for this wonderful post!

  49. Thinking that Quebec does not officially observe Remembrance Day/Veterans Day, I was pleasantly surprised to discover your tribute, Linda .... and now, having seen this post and the one from 2013 regarding your father, I understand your feelings and applaud your expressions of consideration for those who have endured war as victims and/or as combatants.

    My own father crossed Europe with George Patton's Third Army, and among his experiences was to be among the troops to liberate one of the Nazi concentration camps. I lived in Poland for a time, in a building which had been demolished during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, and spoke with people who had lived through it. And, I have had a personal taste of these things myself.

    Anyway, I appreciate your post, Linda. There are many elements to war and, while all of them are bad, some of them are necessary and righteous and honorable. Your father clearly understood this, and it is evident that his daughter does, too.

  50. Hi Linda,
    Learning lots from your blog: your format, displays, postcard selection, all spell a positive attitude.

    Thank you for knocking on the door of my blog time and again.

  51. touching post dear Linda ,
    your parents were great .loved the post through link .these memories are the treasure that is priceless .

    our loved ones who lost in war are our pride and light for the conscience forever .

    i am really huge fan of your collection of wise words here .
    thank you for sharing

  52. Coucou,
    J'avais du mal à mettre un commentaire ces derniers jours. J'ai tout aimé et particulièrement les vidéos. Je me suis permise d'an prendre une pour mettre sur ma page facebook. Merci pour tout. Je te souhaite un agréable dimanche. Bises de Haute Provence

  53. What a beautiful tribute! Wishing you a lovely Sunday!!!

  54. I always think if there wouldn't be wars there would be no rememberence days either ! That's what we should working for !

  55. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Beautiful post, Linda!
    I read your father's story and photos on the post in 2013.
    Your father is so great, and your mother and you are great, too!


  56. Wonderfully touching videos!

  57. My dad is a veteran too. We recently visited the war memorial together in Canberra. It's very well done and truly honours those who fought for freedom.

  58. Love the Soldier & Dog video; it's so touching, dear! xoxo

  59. Thank you Linda! A beautiful tribute for Remembrance Day! Big Hugs!


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