Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mid-Week Jewels and Sharing About Myself

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! 
I have been an animal lover ever since I can remember, so I guess it is no surprise that I greet every animal I meet.  LOL!  :)  On one occasion that happened several years ago, I was coming out of my apartment building when I startled a squirrel.  Before this experience, I had never heard a squirrel "talk", but he sure gave me a good talking to.  Actually, I had heard squirrels squawk before, but since I didn't see them at the time when I heard them, I thought I was hearing birds.  Now I know the sound a squirrel makes and can identify it.  :)  Although 99% of my encounters with animals have been positive and enjoyable, there have been a few difficult ones.  Like what happened to me a few years ago, before I 'learned the language' of geese.  I was strolling in a nature park, minding my own business, or so I thought, and taking photos, including some photos of a pair of Chinese geese.  It seems that the gander had warned me that I was too close but I didn't understand, but he made sure I did by attacking me by grabbing my leg with his beak.  Fortunately for me it was my jeans he was grabbing but after that experience I learned, the hard way, what he was trying to tell me before he attacked me.  "Back off". Needless to say, I now give them a wider berth (more space).  :)

I love to cook and I love kitchen gadgets and appliances.  I have never owned a pressure cooker, nor do I want one, but I love my slow cooker/crock pot, and I enjoy using it every opportunity I get. 
I will keep this short, but I hope you enjoyed reading this, and thank you so much for taking the time to do so.  :) 

The videos I have chosen for this post are:

A Rescued Blind Dog and an Old Friend are Tearfully Reunited

You're not Hallucinating - That's Just Squid Skin - Deep Look

How to Wrap a Gift - Christmas Gift Wrapping

Vintage Avon Cosmetics TV Ad

Beautiful Nature Video and Relaxing Music Dream HD) - Peder B. Helland

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is. - Mandy Hale

There is a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen 1934-2016

The direction of your focus is the direction your life will move.  Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable, strong and true. - Ralph Marston

If light is in your heart you will always find your way home. - Rumi

In ancient Egypt, cats were considered gods...cats have not forgotten this.  :)

The older you get, the more quiet you become.  Life humbles you so deeply as you age.  You realize how much nonsense you've wasted time on.

Think about how much better this world would be if people would just smile at each other more often. You don't have to talk; you don't have to agree on anything; all you have to do is smile!  Smiling breaks barriers; it eases tension, and it's the first step to making a new friend.

May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.  May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.  May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue and may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through. - Irish Blessing

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. - Jean Shinoda Bolenc

Sometimes we stand strongest after we fall.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. When I was little my grandma's pressure cooker exploded and I have been afraid of them ever since.

    I used my crock pot today. I love it!

  2. The human-animal bond is a miraculous thing. I hope you are having a good night!

  3. I just love your posts. Also this one is so inspiring! Thank you Linda.

  4. bonjour Linda!
    bonjour a tous les amis les animaux:)


  5. Hello Linda, I’m an animal lover too and can never pass a dog without saying hello! The owners often look at me as if I’m a little strange, but the dogs usually have a “smile” on their faces.
    I’m not doing very well with the slow cooker. Everything comes out tasting the same, and I can’t work out where I am going wrong. I just can’t make a carrot taste like a carrot or a potato taste like a potato. Everything blends together, and the definition of flavours is lost. I’m probably cooking everything for longer than I should, or maybe not long enough – more practice required!
    I have to pop out now, but I will be back later to watch the videos. I'm looking forward to them. Have a lovely day.

  6. Good morning Linda. Do you know I was entranced by the underwater life. The natural world is just fabulous if only people would take time out to look and listen. Thank you for showing that video for everyone.

  7. Belos e fantásticos filmes.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  8. Angry geese can be quite meen Linda. You're not Hallucinating, is very special. I wish you a happy Wednesday.

  9. I love my crockpot too. I use it all the time. I love cooking one pot meals and only having to clean the crockpot out when I'm through.

  10. The imperial cat, so true and we, their mere serfs!

  11. I love animals too especially dogs, horses and birds. Your encounter with the squirrel and geese must be memorable to you.

  12. Lovely post! I also love animals:)

  13. Lovely videos and cat image.

  14. I'm an animal lover from way back, too. When I was younger, I had the dog bites to prove it. :) I'd run up to every stray dog I saw and try to pet it. I loved the "poster" about how cats haven't forgotten that they were once thought to be gods.

  15. Hello, I have to say I loved the story about Stevie-so heartwarming. Great job sharing some wonderful clips and graphics. Have a great day!

  16. Oh my goodness, you reminded me of the squirrels in upstate New York. Those things were vicious! Back off if you wanted to keep your fingers intact. They'd attack garbage cans like raccoons and chase people down the street. LOL. Good memories.

  17. Another great collection of quotes. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Enjoyed today's post. Oh I remember the days of granny cooking in the pressure cooker! I was always afraid of it. But I can remember her cooking a huge deer ham in that thing and in no time it was done and ready to eat. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. I love learning new things about you. Thanks for sharing.

    My favorite video today is about Stevie. What a heartwarming story.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  20. One clue as to a person's innate decency is whether or not they love animals (other than human animals). So, your attitude toward the creatures we share our planet with tells me a lot about you; and I like what I've discovered.

    Thanks for the videos and the posters. I love the one about cats being gods. I'm going to tell me cats about that, although they don't need any reminding! :)

  21. merci pour ces informations Linda

    j'aime bien le travail de Heidi Shaulis

    have a nice day

  22. Dear Linda, your blog is a joy. Thank you.

  23. Thanks for sharing more about yourself with us. Great videos and quotes. The art was great also. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  24. I tend to chat to animals as I pass them by, if they're outdoors or perhaps inside, like a cat will often be on a windowsill.

  25. Wonderful quotes, a great nature-vdeo and the story of Stevie WOnder is so touching, dear Linda! And nice to read something about you. I 'm not sure if I have ever heard the language of a squirrel - but I definitely know the warning of geese ;-))))) [They can be like guard dogs)
    Hugs from Traude

  26. I have a similar experience with a goose. (I think he was goose.) Clearly I came too close to him and he threatened to attack me, though he didn't actually attack. Just a gesture for "back off" :-)

  27. Hello, Linda! I have heard the squirrels fussing. They can get loud too. I love all the animals too. Great videos and quotes. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  28. I love everything you write down about squirrels, Linda...

  29. Dear, loving Linda,
    as usual your post is such a treat !
    And I have to say that the more I know you, the more I appreciate you and feel you to be a kindred soul !

    Hope you're having the best of weeks
    I'm sending you my dearest love across the Ocean

    Xx Dany

  30. Linda, We have a rescue cat who rules our house and he came from a tough background. We do love animals and my wife actually supports a charity that provides a home for overworked old carriage and farm horses that were in bad shape when they were rescued. I have been attacked by geese, swans and roosters as well as once by a German sheppard and my mother's pig, "Gertrude Esmeralda Salami". My uncle had won the pig in a bet and my mother got stuck keeping her... Love feeding giraffes and elephants. There is a place in Northern Minnesota where the black bears come out of the woods every evening to be feed. Humans watch from a raised platform while the volunteers take food to the bears at their feeding stations. No fighting among the bears and no one has ever been hurt. Very interesting to watch! As for squirrels, I'm a bit unhappy with one right at the moment. We smelled a propane gas leak in the back yard. $60.00 service call later we found that one of those little buggers had chewed through the gas line to my grill on the deck. So now...I have to buy a replacement cable and pay for the service call! Dang squirrel! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  31. I LOVE my slow cooker too. I have an old one that I use, my brother got me a new digital one a year ago, do you believe I still haven't used it because I like my old ratty one so much? catchatwithcarenandcody

  32. Bonjour Linda, que j'aime les citations imagées, superbes! Gros bisous, que ta journée te soit douce et lumineuse!

  33. Linda hyvä pidän sinun kirjoituksestasi kirjoitat niin kauniisti aina ilo lukea niitä ja videot ja kuvat ovat hyviä Rakastan myös kaikkia eläimiä. Kiitos Linda terveisiin ja halauksiin.

  34. Precioso post Linda. Saludos desde España.

  35. I love my slow cooker too and am very grateful that I can pop things into it at night and have a erectly cooked stew or curry ready next morning, ready to be heated up for dunner later. Such a simple idea but so useful. I love animals too. I have a little cat who was stray and she brings everyone a lot of joy. Sending you best wishes. Xx

  36. Aren't animals great?? The squirrels outside our home, are always talking to me, so now I try to talk back to them (in their language), they stop and listen! LOL! I was attacked by a gander too! Lucky, I wasn't hurt either! Thankyou for another beautiful post my friend! Hugs!

  37. How very true, the quotation from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts! Keep smiling...always.

  38. Hi Linda, Oh the video on Stevie Wonder, oh how it touched my heart. That is so, so, so precious, he reminds me of our Buddy who we recently lost and he also reminds me of our little Guissepe who is blind, we take extra care and mercy for him. I love the Pitbull and Parolee show!

    The saying on growing more quiet I think may be very true. : ) Older and wiser?

    As you may know I am an animal lover too, we have five dogs, five cats/kitten and we adore them so! They are our fur angels.

    My crockpot is my little friend, I use it at least once a week! I made red bean chili with mine this week. Love my crockpot.

    Loved my visit here as usual Linda!

    Blessings to you!

  39. I've had some 'encounters' with geese too! My sister has a slow cooker and she thinks it's the best invention ever.

  40. Here's a coincidence. I was playing Leonard a week before his death. How odd is that?

    Greetings from London.

  41. I think geese and swans are best to give a wide berth i.e. give them space.

    A smile can work wonders, love the quote about smiling.

    Thank you for sharing a little more about yourself with us.

    All the best Jan

  42. Happy Wednesday Linda ;)

    I love animals too... I remember once my oldest and I were feeding the ducks at a park, we ran out of food... they started chasing us... thankfully we got away without a problem.

    I love my crock pot and now that I am working from home I plan to use it more... I've also never wanted a pressure cooker, it kind of scares me... lol... xox

  43. Linda, glad you weren't' hurt by the goose, they can get pretty aggressive! Love to hear the squirrels talk, we have gray and red squirrels and they both speak a different language!

  44. High five! I actually am more likely to say hi to animals than humans. :)

    Great quotes as usual.

  45. I used to be so afraid of pressure cooker after hearing stories of it exploding until my children's babysitter convinced me how useful it can be. She introduced me to a good brand and taught me how to use it and I am hooked on it till now. I love animals and I too have good and bad experiences with some of them. Watching the video of the reunion of the rescued blind dog and an old friend makes me tear - so touching.

  46. Loved Leonard's saying about letting the light into the cracks in our life, friend L ... ne still learning that one ... Love, cat.

  47. You are so sweet, Linda to talk to animals. I can imagine the warmth and connection you have with them.

    I was chased by a goose once. One of the most hilarious moments of my life!

    I love using the slow cooker too. It is such a convenient way to cook. Thank you for sharing a personal piece of yourself with us today. xo

  48. Hello Linda,

    Thank you for sharing the lovely quotes and videos! I love the cat drawings :)

  49. I'm afraid of geese:P Great pics as always:)

  50. LOL! Linda, squirrels can become quite crotchety, as you learned! They have warning systems, playful voices, and anger tantrums. Currently, our squirrels are delighted that the oak trees are dropping their acorns. If the dog, cat, or my husband or I, walk under the trees, the squirrels bomb us with acorns! LOL And they yell! As though we are invading their territory. I suppose we are LOL You would think we are terrible people! LOL Love your sentiments today, and the share about your baking and cooking. I love the way the house smells when something is cooking or baking. Hoping you enjoy a lovely week-end! xo

  51. Hello Linda,
    Tout est beau. Tes petites vidéos, tes cartes ... un plaisir de venir te visiter. Gros bisous et belle soirée

  52. Love the artwork by Heidi Shaulis, and I think octopi and cuttlefish are amazing.

  53. Hello Linda,:) You know that I am an animal lover, and it does not surprise me to learn that you talk to the animals you meet. I also pet and talk to them. There is a blind squirrel in our garden most days, and he knows I am there by his side, because I talk to him whilst he is eating, and he seems to like the company.
    Swans and geese are confrontational, so I give them space.

    I was enthralled with the "You're Not Hallucinating" clip, ...nature is spectacular, and I learnt something new. It was a touching reunion with the man and blind dog, and it was lovely to see them together. Love the Heidi Shaulis artwork, and the quote about smiling.:) Thank you Linda! Sendings hugs your way.X

  54. Hi Linda, nothing I can say would do justice to your beautiful blog. Loved the story of the dog reunited.

  55. Hello Linda, the Vintage Ad is so fascinating. Love those kinds of throwbacks...and I am a total lovers of sea horses ....xo Sabina from Germany!

  56. Another animal lover here. :)
    I love gift wrapping as well and enjoyed watching that well-made video.
    Thank you, as always, for your beautiful and inspiring posts. Have a happy rest of the week. Hugs!

  57. Dear Linda such a heartwarming video of the blind dog and his friend. Lived the nature video and the soothing music. Beautiful post Fri. Hope you are having a great day. Hugs!

  58. The skin of the squid, it is beautified, with its magnificent reflections .... I like


  59. Hi Linda! You know that I enjoy your sharing here. Keep going!
    We live near several ponds with geese who are usually very respectful, except when the little ones are around. Then, watch out!
    I loved the video about the squid (fascinating), and my husband used to work for Avon, so that was a fun one to see.
    I grabbed the meme about aging and being quieter. I sure hope I do that more and more. I really appreciated the message.
    Happy Thursday!

  60. Life would not be the same without animals, I love them all. My Mum had a couple of geese once and wow they were so cheeky!!!
    I have not heard of Heidi Shaulis before but they pictures are excellent. Keep well and I enjoy learning more about you. Diane

  61. Linda yo también estuve siempre con animales y como nos dices hay que mantener una distancia prudencial en especial los que no conocemos.
    En los paseos que solía darme por la montaña nos encontramos unas vacas en medio del camino con su perro guardián y no pasamos por precaución. En esa misma zona en otra ocasión eran los perros los que se encontraban en el camino y se acercaban a los paseantes para que les acariciásemos.


  62. My mother used to do the Avon thing. That was never a career, more like a waste of time.

  63. Another great post-I especially enjoyed the squid video and the cat art at the end! Thank you for the smiles :o) Oh! And you stories at the top. I know exactly what you mean about identifying the squirrel noises! Thankfully I've never had a goose encounter like that before though ;o)

  64. Anonymous5:52 AM

    You can talk many animals!
    It is so wonderful, so I will do my best, too!


  65. Thanks you so much for visiting The Glasgow Gallivanter - returning your call! 2 things jumped out in this post. I've been chased by geese too - not pleasant, but at least they didn't manage to grab my leg. And then Leonard Cohen - a quote from one of my favourite songs. I just loved him: sadly missed.


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