Friday, January 13, 2017

Weekend Winter Wishes

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have chosen for this post are:

Axolotl: Cool Cute Aquarium Mexican Salamander

Carmen Cavallaro and His Orchestra - Polonaise (New Year 1946)

100 Years of Toys

Raven Stuck with Porcupine Quills Seeks Help from Humans

Elephant Saves Buffalo from Death - National Geographic

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours.

Four beautiful thoughts of life....
Look back and get experience.
Look forward and see hope.
Look around and find reality.
Look within and find yourself.

If your absence doesn't affect them, your presence never mattered.

Speak to your children as if they were the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become. - Brooke Hampton

Life is better when you're laughing.

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life.

Wrinkles mean you laughed, grey hair means you cared and scars mean you lived!

Remember...anything is possible when you believe!

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.  So today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live. - Dalai Lama

Ah, kindness.  What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in the world. - A.A Malee

Somehow, like so many people who get depressed, we felt our depressions were more complicated and existentially based than they actually were. - Kay Redfield Jamison

It's actually okay to do nothing.  Being productive 100% of the time isn't possible, so don't feel guilty for just relaxing.

Stop chasing what your mind wants.  You'll get what your soul needs. - Harnish

Flawesome - when you embrace your flaws and still know that you're awesome.  :)

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always enjoy and appreciate reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. You are doing a great work by motivating others by your posts Linda. Keep it up :)

  2. Dogs can express so much, not just with their tails. Our dog is so happy when we come home - even after a very short time. His feelings are so true and pure, that is really unique!
    Have a great weekend

  3. Elephant Saves, is very special and wonderful to see Linda. Have a nice day.

  4. Hello Linda as always a great contribution,
    I really like the
    Four beautiful thoughts of life
    I wish you a sunny weekend.
    Greetings from Austria

  5. Thank you Linda for these wonderful videos. This is what I like: Life is better when you're laughing. - So true! - Have a good weekend!

  6. Hello, Linda! Lovely video 100 years of toys. I remember the first doll --I had it in 50th!
    And this 'Wrinkles mean you laughed, grey hair means you cared and scars mean you lived!' I liked!

  7. Good morning, Linda! Another positive post filled with good energy. I love your 1940s videos. Those were exciting years for me as half of them were lived in Los Angeles and that was a great city! I took away many helpful things from this post and your posters, too. Wishing you a great day and a super weekend!

  8. Hello Linda, wonderful videos. Thanks for sharing your post, wise words and videos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. une belle citation du Dalai Lama.. Linda

    have a nice weekend

  10. Thank you for sharing, Linda!

    Keep up the good work :)

  11. It is OK to do nothing. I stepped back from volunteer work this month. I felt I needed to make me a priority and relax, without explanation.

  12. I always love to read your posts. They brighten my day!

  13. Smiles and laughter are the best medicine!

  14. Linda como sigas así no vas a poder superarte, tanto tus vídeos como los pensamientos son magníficos.


  15. Very interesting videos and great quotes. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  16. Nice site Linda! Full of Inspiration!

  17. The dog quote I definitely agree with!

  18. Hello Linda, great videos. I loved the one with the crow.

  19. Brave to help the raven. That beak!
    We have 3 huge fires raging around Cape Town, with animal welfare working hard to rescue fleeing cats and dogs, and baby antelope and tortoises.

  20. Hi Linda I have enjoyed the videos on show today especially the Raven, the quotations are awesome, you have a knack of choosing the perfect ones to show each day, thank you so much for sharing.
    lorraine x

  21. Hi. Toys over the years has changed a lot. Greetings.

  22. I couldn't watch the lion and the buffalo. Too sad.

    Love the raven the very best. What a nice thing to do for that poor bird.

    Have a fabulous day Linda. ♥♥♥

  23. Linda, That Axoloti salamander is actually cute! The thing I noticed among the 1946 New Years photos was that there were 5 old style movie theaters in a row in one downtown picture...Wow! Among the toys I noted tinkertoys, one of my favorites when I was a kid. We still have 3 or 4 Beanie Babies somewhere around here...

    I've seen that raven having the quills removed before but it never fails to amaze me. Even if they feed him on a regular basis, he had to trust them a lot. I'm sure it hurt when the quills were pulled out! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  24. Hi,
    What wonderful quotes and sweet videos. I especially like the quote about talking to your kids. Have a Wonderful New Year! Karen

  25. Dear Linda- I so enjoyed seeing the raven video. That was so cool that he sat there and allowed human help. Love the quote about. Wrinkles Gray hair abd Scars. This one made me smile since I have managed to receive all three. Hugs!

  26. I've always thought axolotls were so cute! That raven video was nice too :o) I think I'm gonna be using "flawesome" in my self talk! That was a good find! Thanks Linda

  27. I especially enjoyed the raven which seemed to know that it had to trust the humans and put up with the pain. Wonderful words of wisdom!

  28. absolutely LOVE the dog quote, it's so true!! DakotasDen

  29. 'It's actually okay to do nothing...' -> enjoy occasionally , Linda...

  30. Hi Linda, lovely to read your postings today. The Axolotl video was beaut to watch... the other night on tv there was a bit about them and they're capable of growing their own body parts back if they're cut off! Their bodies are stem cells!!
    I found that amazing.
    Thanks for finding all those quotes, always uplifting to read.
    Enjoy your weekend, cheerio for now :D)

  31. Loved the 100 years of toys video. What a fun walk down memory lane.

  32. These are awesome, Linda! I like the ones about the dog's tail and how to speak to our kiddos. Hugs to you this weekend; have a good one!

  33. Indeed!!! "Speak to your children as if they were the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become." Give them a sense of pride, self-esteem. In fact, this applies across the board. We should not talk down to all.

  34. Raven video my favorite & the quotes today were just awesome. Thank you, Linda!

  35. That salamander is just the cutest!

  36. Dear Linda,
    thank you very much for visiting my littel Blog! I^m very pleased that you found me! Lovely videos!
    I wish you a beautiful day!
    Greetings from Switzerland

  37. Hello, Linda!
    I like the video of the Axolotl very much. I had myself 3 white for many years.

    It was a hard time as them in age weakness died, maybe also because they have accompanied me nearly 20 years by my life.

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog ! Best regards ! Eva

  38. Merci ma belle Linda! Que ta journée te soit belle et lumineuse, bisou!

  39. Hi, Linda! Hoping 2017 is treating you well, that you're staying warm, and that good things are happening. I love the elephant saving the water buffalo film - I never tire of watching elephants and identifying with them. Such beauty and magnificence. Thanks for the wonderful quotes today. I liked the one about our "absence being felt", and especially about not chasing what our mind wants so our soul can be fed and satisfied! Hoping you enjoy a great week-end! hugs, de

  40. amazing how things change in 100 years

  41. Happy Saturday Linda... I hope you are having a nice weekend xox

    I like this quote, we really need to do this with our children:
    Speak to your children as if they were the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become. - Brooke Hampton

  42. Hello dear Linda, such great quotations again! The one from Dalai Lama is my favourite... and of course the definition of "flawesome". :)
    I would like to disagree with the saying "anything is possible when you believe" though. If one doesn't manage to achieve something, is it because (s)he didn't believe enough? Hmm. Sometimes this may be the case but often there were other reasons that were not possible to put right.
    Have a happy weekend and a blessed Sunday!

  43. The quote above on how to speak kindly and gently to children is so true. I hope you will have a wonderful weekend.

  44. This is always so wonderful! love visiting!

  45. Good morning Linda. I was so intereted to watch that Raven - balancing the desire to get rid of those qills and the fear of man. It all worked out well in the end. Thank you once gain for your inspiring quotes. Have a lovely weekend.

  46. Hello Linda, thank you so much for visiting my blog.
    Now I stay here and I enjoyed reading your post.
    All the best for you!
    Edith from Germany

  47. I enjoyed the video of toys in different times! Some I found rubix cube :-)

  48. Three amazing wildlife videos. Really enjoyed them. Thanks Linda. Very surprised the raven sat still long enough to get all those quills out. Smart birds.

    1. Bonjour Linda,
      Impossible d'avoir le petit rectangle blanc pour déposer mon commentaire. Alors j'inscris dans "réponse"
      Merci pour tous tes jolies posts et très bon dimanche. Bises

  49. i feel bad as i tried hard and waited to open your vides [must be beautiful] but due to bad weather may be and weak signals i could not.
    i enjoyed your precious food for thought and soul especially one about feeling guilty when one do nothing or take break atleast.
    take good care my freind

  50. Hi Linda, I enjoyed the raven and elephant video very much. Good thing the raven didn't flew away, that showed it knew the human will help. I hope the buffalo will get away from further attack by the lion or lions.

  51. Les vidéos que tu choisi sont très intéressants.
    Bon dimanche

  52. Oh Linda...I am speechless...each and every one of these videos and quotes are truly life-changing!
    I feel I'd like to live them all...
    Thank you so much!!:))

    Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  53. First thanks for visiting my post.
    I am in awe at how much you arevable to collect and present in your post. It must take a lot of time to gather each item so it fits into a theme of common goodness. I love what you present. Thanks for those positive vibes.

  54. Thank you for these...and for your visits to my blog. The cat and I are spending a lot of quiet time these days.

  55. I hope you've had a great weekend Linda! Another very touching post! This quote really stuck with me, If your absence doesn't affect them, your presence never mattered! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  56. I forgot to say, the raven stole my heart!

  57. What a beautiful and clever bird that raven was. I loved that video. Thank you for all your kind thoughts. Xx

  58. Hello Linda
    I hope your weekend has been good.
    I enjoyed your videos and quotes, especially this one.
    'There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.  So today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.' - Dalai Lama

    Good wishes for the coming new week

    All the best Jan

  59. Happy Sunday, Linda! I hope that you have been enjoying a nice weekend. I enjoyed your videos. I was wondering if the white salamander was an albino, because it looked very like the darker colored one. The toys were a hoot, and I played with all of them up through Barbie. What a long ordeal that poor buffalo went through. I didn't know that elephants would act that way. Lots of good advice in your quotes today. Each one resonates. I have a difficult time acting on "It's okay to do nothing." Wishing you a happy week, my dear friend!

  60. Hi Linda! I do like to watch nature films, so I chose the elephant saving the buffalo to look at. I really connected with two of your images, the one about the silver hair (ha!) and being thankful. They are both so true, and remind me to be thankful for what I have, and to be grateful to the people in my life who love me.
    Hope you had a great Sunday!

  61. Hi LInda -- thanks for the cheer and positivity. I enjoyed the toy video (having never outgrown my childhood apparently).

  62. These are all wonderful thoughts for starting my week. Thank you.

  63. Anonymous5:29 AM

    'Remember...anything is possible when you believe!' is so simple and great message!
    Mexican Salamanders are super lovely :)



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