Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Mid-Week Shares

Hello everyone!  A very warm welcome to you all! The videos I have selected for this post are:

Reitmans Potluck (Reitmans is a Canadian lady's clothing retailers who have done many humorous TV commercials.  This is one of them)

Man Cries Tears of Joy After Being Reunited with His Lost Dog

This Man in a Lemon Suit is Changing Lives

Say Goodnight - Peter White (smooth jazz)

The Butterfly (Irish tune) - Flute and Violin

For the following, I am providing the link sources beneath each photo.  You just need to click on the images to see a larger view.

If someone tells you, "You can't", they really mean, "I can't." - Sean Stephenson

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.  Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. - Joseph Campbell

If you can change your mind, you can change your life. - William James

We're sorry.  The country you've tried to reach is watching hockey.  Please try again after the game. :)

Watch for Vanilla Ice.  :)

Exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant and it's free.

No matter how "busy" a person is, if they really "care", they will always find the time for you.

No one is always busy.  It just depends on what number you are on their priority list.

Every smile, every laugh, and every bit of kindness, lets a little more light into the world...light up the world today!

When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger and run away from yourself and you lose yourself.  The practice is to always go back to oneself. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Do not forget to just sit...and dream.

I've never met a strong person with an easy past.

Feelings are just visitors.  Let them come and go.

Loyalty isn't grey.  It's black and white.  You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all.  And people have to understand this.  You can't be loyal when it serves you.

Thank you all so much for visiting me here!  I always appreciate and enjoy reading your kind thoughts, which you are always welcome to share!


  1. Yes I would say over 90% is a mind set...If you can change your mind, you can change your life.
    Coffee is on

  2. The man with the dog... oh!
    I like very much the Butterfly! Thank you, Linda!

    Have a great day!

  3. i totally agree with those quots... people should respect and follow them:) follow;) now waiting for U:)

  4. I really enjoyed seeing the dog reunited with his owner, what a joy. Such a delight to visit and read through the quotes, they always give me something to think about.

  5. une belle publication Linda...

    " The Butterfly " a ma préférence..


  6. meanwhile in Canada is always so fun:)

  7. A funny commercial from Reitmans Potluck Linda. I wish you a happy Wednesday.

  8. Lovely videos and quotes, Linda!

  9. Hi Linda--I certainly agree that exercise is the BEST cure for depression. For me, nothing clears my mind like a good brisk walk. Have a great week

  10. Hello dear,
    thank you for the amazing post! So many positive vibes! I especially liked the video where the man was reunited with his dog <3

  11. Hello, Linda! Great videos and images. It would be nice to light up the world with a smile. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  12. Sometimes, all we need is renewal of our mind. I agree with the quotes on busyness and what number we are on the person's priority list. Have a great day!

  13. Linda, 'Say goodnight' is a pretty melody, the video reminded me sea and summer, thank you!

  14. The poster about feelings being just visitors is right on; and if we can realize that and let them go we'd be a lot better off. Often they have little to do with reality. Funny Canada signs. Right now I'd move up your way if I was younger and could afford to do so. Your Reitman commercials are always humorous and a great way to start they day. Hope that all is well with you on the Wednesday (Hump Day) and that you have a wonderful rest of the week!

  15. Sweet story about the doggie reunion. The one about the country watching a hockey game tickled my funny bone.

  16. "Watch for vanilla ice!" Hee, hee!

  17. Having grown up in the Metro Detroit area, we were lucky enough to be able to receive Canadian TV channels! We watched hockey a lot back then, when it wasn't as popular in the US. Go Wings!

  18. Lots to see here! My doctor prescribed walking as a treatment for several health issues I was dealing with - and he specified outside. It makes a difference!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  19. I got a much needed laugh out of the Meanwhile In Canada images!

  20. Feelings are just visitors. So true!

  21. Linda, We're just back from our first road trip in over 7 months so I'm catching up on my reading... Those Reitman Ads are much more clever and 'out there' than any retail ads here in the states! Always love lost dog/pet stories when the owner/parent person is reunited with their 'child'. A couple of our friends lost their 2 dogs in the last 6 months...both died. After a grief grace period, they rescued 2 new dogs and their family is now complete again. That Irish tune turned my thoughts to a planned trip to Scotland and Ireland later this year... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  22. I loved the dog being reunited with his peep the very best.

    Have a fabulous day, Linda. ♥♥♥

  23. I loved the video about the man being reunited with his dog. After losing his wife, it must have been really tough. Glad he found his best friend!

  24. Great videos. The scenery in the jazz video. was just beautiful. Once again the quotes were all wonderful. Madeline

  25. 'Watch for Vanilla Ice'... -> hahaaa..., very special, Linda !

  26. I love that reunion between the man and his doggie - how heartwarming. You could see the doggie loved his carers too.
    The man in the yellow suit is wonderful. Good to always see kindness in others.
    Many thanks for brightening our weeks Linda. Hugs :D)xx

  27. "I've never met a strong person with an easy past." Amen to that. We all want to be awesome, but who is willing to go through the fire that gets you there?

  28. The one about the mind is so true.

    Greetings from London.

  29. Dogs are truly a man's best friend. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

  30. Thanks Linda! You've made my day!

  31. Hi Linda, happy Brigid's Day and thanks for calling past my blog the other day - I love meeting new to me bloggers and getting a glimpse into their part of the world.
    These are great quotes - I look forward to checking in often.

  32. Vanilla Ice! I wonder if he's still around, was so very popular once. Ice Ice Baby!!!

  33. Bonjour Linda, j'aime bien faire mon petit tour chez Reitman de temps en temps, j'y troue toujours quelque chose! Bise, bonne soirée dans la joie!

  34. Loved ALL of the videos - funny, heartwarming, soothing, uplifting - just wonderful! Great quotes, too. Thanks for the mid-week dose of sanity!

  35. Hi Linda! I'll watch those Reitman commercials all day long. So clever!
    The quote about people saying that I can't, because they can't just hit me between the eyes. Wow. I LOVED that!
    Hope you're having a great week.

  36. Reitmans (or at least their marketing team) seem to have a great sense of humour.

  37. Nice videos to start the month

  38. Hello. Wonderful picture cards. The texts are spectacular. Gives a lot to think about.

  39. Dear Linda,
    I always enjoy visiting your page. I like this one saying (is that the right word?) very much "I've never met a strong person with an easy past."

    Many greetings

  40. Dear Linda,
    thank you for shering the amanzing post.
    Have a great week. Greetings ... Dorothea 💗

  41. I think the saying about "you can't" is absolutely true. Psychologists call this projection.
    Have a nice day

  42. Great quotations once more, dear Linda! I always like the "Meanwhile in Canada" ones, because "Meanwhile in Finland" would be something similar. :)
    The thoughts about exercising and about people finding time for you were also so very important.
    Have a happy Thursday!

  43. Boa tarde, gostei de ouvir Peter White, é fantástico, todos são interessantes.

  44. Bonjour Linda
    C'est émouvant le Monsieur avec le petit chien.
    Toujours des posts très variés pour notre grand plaisir. Belle journée à toi

  45. Greetings, dear Linda! What a great grouping you offer today - such heartfelt encouragement. I especially like: It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

    We are never too old, or too far gone, to begin anew, and try all over again, learning from mistakes, and moving forward - even if others try to hold us back, as mentioned in your other gem: If someone tells you, "You can't", they really mean, "I can't."

    Linda, also, thank you for the reminders that no one is always too busy - surely there is a little time if the priority is there.

    Wishing you a wonderful day! hugs, de

  46. 'Every smile, every laugh, and every bit of kindness, lets a little more light into the world...light up the world today!'

    I love these words.

    Thanks for another very good selection Linda.

    All the best Jan

  47. Hi Linda, nice meeting you :) Enjoyed your videos, sayings and blogs very much. Thank you so much for visiting my blog today and hopefully will visit with you again. Have a day of blessings.

  48. A very interesting post !!! Thank you for your comment on my blog!!! 👌👌👌💚💚💚

  49. Some great quotes here, Linda. The two Canadian ones made me smile :) Have a great week!

  50. Thanks Linda!! That puppy video made me smile! Love the quotes!! Big Hugs!!!

  51. Anonymous10:48 PM

    'The practice is to always go back to oneself.' is so great!!
    I often lose myself...
    The next one, ''Don't forget to just sit down and dream', is the way to go back my self :)


  52. Oh my goodness Linda, that video of the man reunited with his doggy...That is so touching and I can only imagine how grateful he was! Really, really precious. Thank God they were reunited. : )

    I hope you are having a good day Linda! Blessings to you!

  53. Exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant and it's free.

    I knowwwwww....thank you for reminding me to get off the couch! ^.^


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